Archive | January, 2014

splurge vs. steal: denim

31 Jan

spring denimI have been gushing about GAP boyfriend jeans for a while now, like we discussed here.  Needless to say, I have literally not taken them off my body ALL WINTER LONG!  It’s just too easy to grab them from my closet chair in the morning when one eye is half open and I need to throw together a comfortable and easygoing ensemble.  With spring close by (thank god!), I’m looking for my next go-to pair and after perusing the likes of net-a-porter and shopbop where designer styles average around $200, landed myself right back at GAP coveting these at $69.95 each.  In case you need help with the math here, that’s basically three pairs for the price of one!  For real.  Mega steal, no?  These will definitely become closet staples in my spring wardrobe so don’t be surprised when you spot me here wearing all three as such…

Happy shopping & weekend! xx jenny

look 1

URBAN BOHO: 1. topshop racerback satin cami I 2. gap high rise skinny I 3. vanessa mooney double cuff bracelet I 4. mango adjustable waist parka I 5. vanessa mooney unicorn ring I 6. clare vivier oversize leopard clutch I 7. steven madden wedge mules

look 2

EDGY PREP: 1. j.crew keeper chambray shirt I 2. gap patched skinny I 3. bite beauty high pigment pencil in pomegranate I 4. jerome dreyfuss canvas backpack I 5. topshop tailored blazer I 6. 3.1 phillip lim d’orsay flats

look 3

VINTAGE: 1. topshop floral print cami 2. gap bleached skinny I 3. aritizia chevalier jacket I 4. house of harlow aztec bangle I 5. vanessa mooney handpiece I 6. monserat de lucca shoulder bag I 7. sigerson morrison sandals

work: sunset shoot

24 Jan

CF095698My favorite time of day to take photos is the magic hour – the short-lived window when the sun sets and light becomes soft, making your soul appear as if it’s glowing.  We took photos at this hour during our wedding weekend, and they evoke everything I felt that day – intense, on fire and like I was floating.  I styled a shoot with photographer Candy Kennedy back in early fall, with the focus on capturing the sun as it set on the hudson river.  We had to move fast to ensure we snapped at just the right moment – I literally had the models change outside along the west side highway. Things need to be precise when you are chasing the light.  But Candy got it – and the photos speak for themselves.

Have a magical weekend!  xx jenny

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dove’s #selfie

23 Jan

photo-43If you haven’t seen Dove’s new beauty ad campaign entitled, “Selfie“, I strongly recommend taking a minute to watch it.  The seven-minute documentary by filmmaker Cynthia Wade, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, raises awareness to the “selfie” phenomenon and its profound affect on teenage girls’ perception of beauty.  It further explores mother/daughter relationships and the influence a mothers internalized negative self-image can have on her daughter.  One of the young girls explained in a Today Show interview this week, ‘If I look like my mother, and my mother doesn’t like how she looks – what does that say about me?’.  Conversations around self-esteem have been in motion for decades, but modern day technology opens up new dimensions.  While access to social media provides a platform for self-expression, it also creates anxiety.  For all of us.  Have you ever caught yourself posing at certain angles and editing to hide your self-imposed flaws.  How many clicks does it take you to decide which photo to post?  Sometimes it takes me a billion.

The Dove experiment challenges young girls, their mothers (and all of us!) to take the power back and create a new kind of selfie – an honest one.  We have an opportunity to redefine beauty by putting out there what we perceive as our least desirable traits.  Whether it be big hair (this one is for me), a crooked nose or rosy cheeks – should we conform to the media’s unrealistic and unattainable definition of beauty or create our own?  Instead of trying to become what we can never be, let’s change the game by showing up as ourselves, embracing the qualities that make us, US!  Who’s with me?

Even though this documentary focuses on teenagers, it resonates with me, a 34 year old woman too.  Not only do I feel the same cultural pressures, but also want to be a mother who demonstrates that beauty is diverse and begins at the core.  This message is not just for young women – it’s for all of us.  We have a responsibility to the generation that follows to lead by example.  It is never too early or too late to start loving yourself.

I decided to take the above selfie and promised myself to include it in this post.  One snap, no make-up, no filter or edits done.  I don’t love the photo – but I’m proud of it.  It’s me.  And it’s beautiful.

Are you ready for an honest selfie?

To see the film, go here!

i’m ready

17 Jan

IMG_8192Friends have suggested to me that I need to reveal more of myself on Your Soul Style.  That as much as I think I’m putting myself out there, I should give you more of my story, become vulnerable and give you a better understanding of who I am.  Really let you in.  It felt contradictory hearing this because I’ve always thought of myself as an open book.  Someone who wears the cliche’ heart on their sleeve.  And I am that person, but I also understand this point of view.  There are many aspects I haven’t divulged on this blog:  discovering my sexuality, my perpetual anxiety and recent health issues to name a few.  The style piece pours out of me, but the soul – well, we all know that’s a bit more complicated.

I never ever, ever want you to perceive my life as idealistic – not full of challenges, struggles and obstacles.  I am faced with circumstances that test my strength and endurance every day and just like you, I am constantly working towards refining, defining and embracing my soul’s style.  I don’t think I’ve told you that enough.  I remember a time where unfiltered emotions flowed from me like water, but over the past twenty years of life experience my skin has thickened and therefore so did my walls.  It has become harder to expose my insecurities, questions and uncertainty.  Even though I feel whole and grounded again, being open can sometimes feel like being naked.  But it also feels metamorphic to stand where I am today, coming out alive (and stronger) after many, many years of unsureness.  And I’m ready to begin talking about what that journey was like.

For 2014, I promise to reveal deeper parts of myself, even if they are hard to write about.  I will tell you because I’m confident that you can not only relate, but understand.  Like all important relationships, trust is key.  And I may have needed this past year to establish mine here.  But you should know that I trust you.  And I hope you trust me too.  Your Soul Style is a passion project, which makes you all a part of my heart. ♥

with love and soul, jenny

photo via candy kennedy


cling to kling

16 Jan

elin klingNO MATTER WHAT Elin Kling is wearing I fall in love with, which is why ever since I spotted the above image of her in these impossible to find Spring ’13 Celine mules, I’ve been searching high and low for my own, more affordable version.  This silhouette continues to trend for Spring ’14 and although reminiscent of the early 90’s, fashion is always repeating itself.  That’s right ladies, mules are back and what from what it looks like, here to stay!  I’m sure I had a similar style in high school, which totally validates my perpetual reasoning for never throwing anything away.  So what if my closet is overflowing with stuff I haven’t worn in twenty years – I will one day again!  This proves it!  Maybe you’ve got an old pair buried in your childhood home, but in case you’ve tossed like me, here are a few current options to consider…

mules - 2

1. French Connection / 2. Alexander Wang / 3. Steven by Steve Madden / 4. Cole Haan / 5. Belle by Sigerson Morrison / 6. 10 Crosby Derek Lam

photo via stylesaint

a good sport

14 Jan

fashion sneakers - 4 (2)In the spirit of taking more style risks in 2014 like said here, I’ve been embracing my sportier side.  I found these converse star player leather sneakers while researching for a client, and like any typical shopping-obsessed stylist, bought one pair for the photoshoot and one pair for myself.  Lately instead of grabbing booties, I’ve been inserting these high tops into my look and welcoming the fresh change.  And you can’t beat the comfort if you’re an urbanite whose feet are a means of transportation.  While sneakers have been a streetstyle fashion choice for decades, mine have mostly been reserved for exercise.  Until now.  This year I’m upping my shoe game and plan on being a really good sport about it!  How will you step outside of your style comfort zone in 2014?  Would love to hear your stories!  xx jenny

SHOP THE LOOK:  sweater: Zara, pants: h&m (similar), coat: zara (similar), sneakers: Converse, bag: MZ Wallace, hat: Neff, scarf: vintage (similar), ring: old (similar), hand chain: Jacquie Aiche (similar)

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mz wallace metro tote

10 Jan

MZ WALLACEI can’t take an ounce of credit for finding this MZ Wallace Metro Tote.  My friend came over for brunch during the holidays and like a hawk to its prey, I spotted her epic bag.  I ordered my own a week later and have been toting it (pun intended) around NYC ever since.  It’s practically as light as air which works in my favor because I tend to carry everything other than the kitchen sink.  It’s also quilted which is a super hip and on trend texture this season.  And if that’s not enough, it’s water resistant which came in handy these past few weeks of snow and polar-vortexing.  The sensible price point is just the cherry on top.  Head over to MZ Wallace to view the larger version of this style and a plethora of other print and color options.  And check out their collage page which I am honored to be a part of!  Happy Friday ya’ll! xx jenny

bigger is better!

8 Jan

CLARE VIVIER FINALNo one and I mean no one, loves a clutch bag more than me. I’ve been a collector since the dawn of time and while I used to hunt down vintage styles via the salvation army, consignment shops or my moms closet, I now appreciate new ones too.  My collection is overflowing and I should really do that whole purge thing, but I can’t seem to part with an accessory that may (or may not) have been worn to Studio 54.  This past holiday season, my amazing wife surprised me with this Clare Vivier oversize style.  I love, love, love it, but because of its large shape, I did have the whole, “is it practical?” conversation in my head before deciding to keep it.  You know – that really fun dialogue where your logical side has a full on war with the more adventurous?  You wind up nowhere fast and angry at yourself for not having conviction one way or the other.  We’ve all been there.  I couldn’t stop toggling between keeping this one which was clearly the more fashion and edgy choice or trading it out for the smaller, simple, leather black version that I would obviously use way more!  I admit it took me two separate visits to Steven Alan, hemming and hawing about which one to call my own until finally after much deliberation (and consulting with the sales associate at the store), I decided to stay with the original.  What finally came to light was remembering this post where I declared that this would be the year to take more style risks.  Here’s to 2014!  clare vivier 2

shear genius

6 Jan

tumblr_mxi3s8Iui21rm66sdo1_1280Although it’s a brand new year, we still have three looooong months of cold weather ahead of us.  I’m inspired by this Isabel Marant’ish look and loving obsessing over the shearling coat!  This ensemble simultaneously reads edgy, bohemian and cozy which is a mega win in my book!

Style Tip:  Wear a sexy tank underneath the sweatshirt to easily transform this winter outfit from day to night.  Plus, it will give you an extra layer of warmth!

PS: Does anyone know who makes the above coat???  I can’t find it on the interweb and need it in my life.  I’m assuming it’s a vintage one-of-a-kind.  Confessions of a shopaholic!  Happy Monday!  xx jenny

shear genius


 photo via maja wyh

hello, january!

3 Jan

just inHello and happy new year!!!  For the past few weeks, I have been avoiding the “new arrivals”, “just in” or “what’s new” tab on my favorite shopping websites like the plague.  With all of the sale happenings, I couldn’t bring myself to check out the goodness that is coming down the pike for spring!  January deliveries are always a small resort capsule before designers and retailers blast us with the real deal, so don’t go crazy just yet.  Companies want to tease and entice you with some newness, but their ultimate goal is to liquidate the leftover merchandise from fall and winter.  With that said, it’s still fun to peruse and possibly scoop up some fresh pieces.  A few new transitional items are the perfect antidote for those winter blues.  I’ve got my eyes on these!

Happy weekend!  xx jenny

SHOP IT:  1. crop top, $24.95, // 2. floppy hat, $19.95, // 3. statement ring, $395, // 4. the perfect long dress, $280, // 5. updated chambray, $70, // 6. quilted tote, $195, // 7. leather shorts, $89.99, // 8. modern mules, $350, // 9. sunnies, $140, // 10. vans, $85.30,

Motherhood Maternity



style from the inside out


style from the inside out


style from the inside out


style from the inside out

Sacramento Street

style from the inside out


style from the inside out

India Ink

style from the inside out


style from the inside out

The Sartorialist

style from the inside out


style from the inside out

style from the inside out

Glitter Guide

style from the inside out


style from the inside out